As a Professional Class 1 Driver - You Will Be Part of the GREEN Movement.
It looks like the flywheel is finally starting to turn to find solutions to climate change issues on the planet. If you are going to become a professional big rig driver in the next 3 years, then you will be at the epicentre of that change.
Electric is already being used in some test routes for both Canadian and US transport companies that are eager to be early adopters for new technologies. Now, hydrogen is becoming an option as Alberta will begin a test pilot for the route between Edmonton and Calgary next year. This is an exciting time to be a Class 1 driver entering the workforce. You will be part of history as this traditional carbon industry turns green in the next decade.

If you are considering a career as a big rig driver, and you want to be a part of the climate change answer, then your path should lead you to First Class Training Centre. First Class has been open for business in Winnipeg, Brandon and Thompson throughout the pandemic and continues to safely train a new workforce for the supply chain. Your 244 hour investment is all it will take for you to make a meaningful career change and be a part of a bigger more important change for our climate. As the premier educator for Class 1 and Class 3 training in Manitoba, First Class Training is recognized in the transport industry as the best provider of well trained and road ready drivers for their fleets.
Be a part of an industry looking to become carbon neutral by 2050. Become a professional driver. Contact us today to learn more.